Via Cantonale 119 · CH-6652 TEGNA · Schweiz

 Logo Emberger Development und Coaching


Heavy workloads, high demands, increasing responsibilities and tight deadlines have become a fixture in modern working life. The question is, how you can live up to the performance standards that you place on yourself as well as the expectations of others without running yourself, mentally and physically, into the ground? Another major topic for companies is collaboration within and between departments, working groups and teams.

What can be done to bring together individual skills to create a high-performing team?
This is one of the key challenges facing managers today. To make an effective, long-term difference in this regard, they need a reliable approach, stable social skills and knowledge of structural and process developments in groups and teams.

My courses for individuals are aimed primarily at developing the necessary skills and mindset to sustain a high, but also healthy level of performance and to ensure creativity and satisfaction both at work and at home.

My work for and with teams focuses on recognising, leveraging and strengthening their internal resources, and tapping into the existing potential of both the group and individuals.

I offer support to managers in their role and impact as leaders. Essentially, it is about developing and consolidating skills to help establish a good relationship with employees, take a productive approach to managing their strengths and weaknesses, and assume their leadership role with confidence and authenticity.




  • Strengthening stress resilience (resilience training)
  • Sustainable and personality-oriented performance optimisation
  • Crisis coaching
  • Resolving performance blocks (for example, in speeches, topic presentations or exams)
  • Optimising internal communication and coordination



"The purest form of insanity is to do everything the same while hoping that something will change. "

Office address:

Gernot Emberger
Merkenicher Hauptstraße 124d
D-50769 Köln

  • Mail: info[at]
  • Fon: +49 221 94 22 65-5
  • Fax: +49 221 94 22 65-6
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